De-activate a swap partition - I don't believe it!

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Thu Mar 23 05:24:36 UTC 2006

Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 March 2006 03:52, Mike McCarty wrote:
>>Christofer C. Bell wrote:
>>>I don't know what the HOWTO says about swap, but if you're going to
>>>be hitting swap a lot, you want it on the inside tracks of the disk
>>>where the sectors are closer together physically (because they're
>>>smaller). Less space traveled by the disk head = faster access
>>I don't either, but what you just wrote is wrong wrong wrong. Track to
>>track spacing is the same all across the disc. And there are the same
>>number of sectors per track as well. The disc rotates at a fixed rate,
>>so the same number of sectors pass under the head no matter where the
>>head is on the disc.
> No. I explained that before. Its the same number of sectors per second, 
> but the inner tracks have less velocity, hence fewer actual sectors per 
> track.  Because the sectors are the same physical length in terms of 

I did a little bit more research, and it appears that my information
is OUT OF DATE. So, I retract.


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