Duplicate Name Exists on the Network

James Wilkinson fedora at westexe.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 23 13:15:51 UTC 2006

I wrote:
> Silly question, perhaps...
> You haven't got a server with the same name as the domain/workgroup,
> have you?

Ben May replied:
> ahhh.... Is this the problem? :D
> How do I go about changing that, I'll google it now :)

What I mean is, if you've got a company called Tinara, Inc., it's fairly
common to call the domain TINARA, and to attempt to call a "main" server
TINARA. Windows networking doesn't like that, and won't allow it.

The way round it is to rename the server TINARA1 (you can also rename
the domain, but that's harder work). "Rename", in this case, means
"changing the netbios name in /etc/samba/smb.conf". man smb.conf has
this to say:
       netbios name (G)
              This sets the NetBIOS name by which a Samba server is
    known. By default it is the same as the first component of the
    host’s DNS name.

So changing the Unix hostname would also work.

Hope this helps,


E-mail address: james | Things have never been the same since my arch enemy,
@westexe.demon.co.uk  | due to a slight clerical error, put a price on my
                      | shed.
                      |     -- Jim

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