FC5 - Nagios and Perfdata over Pipe

Henry Ritzlmayr fedora at rc0.at
Fri Mar 24 12:13:16 UTC 2006

Since upgrading to FC5 (from FC4) I have an interesting behavior on the
performance data from nagios. First it seemed that nagios for what ever
reason didn´t write all the performance data into the pipe for
nagiosgrapher. By trying fifo_write.c instead of fifo_write.pl it turned
out, that everything is written to the pipe but it seems like the
"EOF"-Mark (or something similar) is missing. More than one entry is
pushed into the pipe at once. Since the perl script and the c-program
only parses the first entry all other lines are lost and therefore not
seen in nagios. Since I didn´t change anything on the nagios config
there must be some changes within PIPE processing on FC5.

Any Ideas?


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