FC5 Apache/MySQL/Php Howto

Chasecreek Systemhouse chasecreek.systemhouse at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 00:10:13 UTC 2006

On 3/24/06, Roy Erickson <erickson at pixelmagicfx.com> wrote:
> which I am kicking myself now.
> Are there any checklists out there for building an Apache/PHP/MySQL
> server covering mods, configs, chkconfig's, lockdown, etc?

There is no substitute for doing it yourself, again, now.
PS - Take notes =)

PPS - The Apache/MySQL/PHP stuff is all documented inside the
mediawiki FAQ; see:

It's really VERY easy to set-up; but somewhat harder to secure the
mediawiki itself (not MySQL/Apache/PHP stuff...)

WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/

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