announcement: gemi repository rebuilt for fc5

Gérard Milmeister gemi at
Sat Mar 25 00:44:23 UTC 2006

The gemi repository has been rebuild for fc5.
More information at:

The repository contains mostly development tools, some
mathematics software and a few odds and ends, stuff
that I am interested in.

Fedora contributors are invited to take these packages
and push them trough the Fedora Extras process.

Here is a selection of included packages:
afnix, alice, ciao, coq, dosemu, gap, gauche, gprolog,
gwydion-dylan, io, isabelle, mlkit, mlton, open-cobol,
oo2c, polyml, scsh, smarteiffel, smlnj, squeak, twelf,
xsb, yacas, yafray...

Gérard Milmeister
Langackerstrasse 49
CH-8057 Zürich

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