will hde be hd1 in grub.conf?

Jack Howarth howarth at bromo.msbb.uc.edu
Sun Mar 26 03:19:33 UTC 2006

   I beleive I may be having problems making the appropriate initrd.img
with the raid1 support. My initial attempt was done on the FC5 box while
booted off of the normal partitions on hda using the command...

/sbin/mkinitrd -f --preload raid1 /boot/initrd-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp.img 2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp

However now I am wondering if I need more than this? Perhaps I would have used 

/sbin/mkinitrd -f --preload raid1 --with raid1 /boot/initrd-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp.img 2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp

I also noticed that when I extracted the initrd.img files on some of my
other RAID-1 systems that it contained entries in the init file like...

raidautorun /dev/md0
raidautorun /dev/md1
raidautorun /dev/md2

I wonder if I need to add some other flags to mkinitrd to create image that
will actually be able to boot the md partition. I already have grub entries
that match the commonly cited method of changing root=LABEL=/ to


#fallback to md2 on hdc
fallback 1

title Fedora Core (2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp) from hda as md2
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp ro root=/dev/md2 rhgb quiet
        initrd /initrd-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp.img

title Fedora Core (2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp) from hde as md2
        root (hd1,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp ro root=/dev/md2 rhgb quiet
        initrd /initrd-2.6.16-1.2069_FC5smp.img

Currently the boot fails with...

Uncompressing Linux ... Ok, booting the kernel.
hdd: No disk in drive
Red Hat nash version 5.0.32 starting
mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root'
setuproot: moving /dev failed: No such file or directory
(a couple more similar lines were printed out)
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

where hde contains the md partitions. I looks to me that the grub on
hda is booting the initrd.img I created but the md root partition
isn't being mounted. I know the md partitions are okay on hde because
I can mount them when booted from the normal partitions on hda.

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