system startup + cryptsetup

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at
Tue Mar 28 15:54:46 UTC 2006

Gabor Walter wrote:

> Thanks to everyone for offering help, my system is now running fine.
> A couple of notes in case somebody might find them useful:
> 1. grub.conf needs editing, that is I had to remove the rhgb option
> 2. selinux seemed to be complaining so I disabled that
> 3. the luksopen script from the url in my original posting might have a bug
> in it (I am not much of a shell script guru) because when it reaches the
> point where it attempts to open and mount the encrypted partitions, it will
> just skip them even if I press 'y'. So I commented that out and explicitly
> inserted the appropriate commands.
> Gabor Walter
> Hungary

There is an error in the script involving the 'read' statement, where he 
is prompting for the open and mount Y/N response (pardon the line 
wrapping here):

# ask whether to open the device or not
read -p "Next device in list is \"$dev\". Do you want to open and mount 
it? (y/N): "

# skip device if desired
case "$answer" in

In the bash shell, the default variable assignment is $REPLY, whereas he 
is using $answer. I did not note this in my own use of the script, as I 
had made some modifications to it for my own application.

If you modify the 'read' statement, by adding 'answer' to the end of it 
(again, note line wrapping here):

read -p "Next device in list is \"$dev\". Do you want to open and mount 
it? (y/N): " answer

That modification should solve the problem by explicitly assigning the 
response to $answer. It will then be properly read in the 'case' statement.

I posted a comment about it on the wiki just now, so hopefully he will 
edit the script as required.

BTW, out of curiosity, did you modify /etc/fstab?  Just wondering about 
confirming new behavior, if any, in FC5, besides the LUKS changes to 
gnome-mount, etc.


Marc Schwartz

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