system startup + cryptsetup

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at
Tue Mar 28 22:27:19 UTC 2006

Gabor Walter wrote:
>> That modification should solve the problem by explicitly assigning the
>> response to $answer. It will then be properly read in the 'case'
>> statement.
> That was it. Thanks a lot once again.

Happy to help.

> BTW, out of curiosity, did you modify /etc/fstab?  Just wondering about
>> confirming new behavior, if any, in FC5, besides the LUKS changes to
>> gnome-mount, etc.
> Yes, I did make the modifications you suggested.

Ok. So at least for now, that part of the process is unchanged in FC5. 
Thanks for that.

> Another question. Is it necessary to explicitly unmount and close the
> encrypted partition at shutdown? I am thinking of sort of a "reversed
> luksopen'. Or will the system take care of it all?

I have not seen anything convincing to suggest that you need to 
explicitly unmount and close the mapped partition prior to shutdown. Of 
course with /home, the timing of that activity could be important.

As far as I have seen from comments (or the lack of them) elsewhere, the 
system will unmount the device at shutdown and the device mapping is 
also lost at that time. I suppose that if for some reason, the shutdown 
were interrupted in some fashion at the proper point, there might be a 
window of opportunity for compromise of the system, but that seems like 
a low probability scenario for most users.

There was a discussion of what luksClose actually does on the list I 
reference below (ie. does it scrub the master key from memory, etc.), 
but there was never a reply, so it remains unclear, presumably save a 
read of the code.

I have seen comments about explicitly unmounting and closing when one is 
using loopback devices rather than actual partitions, but since I don't 
use loopback devices, I have no personal experience with them.

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