Adding of icons in GGV menu for searching

Nimit Dhulekar nimit.slash85 at
Thu Mar 30 11:26:07 UTC 2006

Hello everyone

I am making some changes to GGV. I have added a module that will allow you
to search on PS files. I need some verification that the changes I have made
aren't OS specific. I am attaching an XML file in which I have made some
changes to the layout of GGV (adding extra menu icons and toolbar
shortcuts). Please replace the XML file 'ggv-ui.xml' in the directory
and reply back confirming whether you were able to see a menus called
'Search' and 'Add' and also toolbar icons 'Search' and 'Add Note'.

If you are unable to view any changes try replacing the file ggv-ui.xml in
the following directory

I am presently running FC3 and the changes were reflected only when the
changes were made to the second path not in the first whereas my colleague
who is running FC2 could see the changes after replacing the file in the
first path.

Your urgent replies would be highly appreciated.

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Name: ggv-ui.xml
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