OT: New article: Let's block cracker using denyhosts

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Thu Mar 30 15:56:11 UTC 2006

I have a few comments about the article.  (I package denyhosts for
Fedora Extras.)

You install it via yum, and at that point it is actually configured.
A proper config file is already in /etc/denyhosts.cfg, although you
can of course tweak it.  And there's no need to copy anything into
/etc/init.d, because it's already set up.

So the procedure is just:

yum install denyhosts
(edit /etc/denyhosts.cfg to your liking)
chkconfig denyhosts on
service denyhosts start

If you prefer to run denyhosts from cron instead of as a daemon, you
can edit /etc/sysconfig/denyhosts and follow the instructions there.
Other info related to the Fedora package is in

 - J<

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