Yum Install

Marcelo Magno T. Sales marcelo.sales at sefaz.pe.gov.br
Fri May 19 12:12:37 UTC 2006

Em Sexta 19 Maio 2006 08:49, Karl Larsen escreveu:
> >> To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list
>     The original question was, can you yum install adobe acrobat and the
> real answer is NO!

No, the real answer is YES, but you have to add the dries repository to your 
yum configuration first.
Then you do a "yum search acrobat" and see it's in the package acroread. Then, 
you do a "yum install acroread" an get it installed using yum, as you wanted.
Or use yumex, which facilitates the job of finding packages and installing 
several packages at once.


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