An installation problem

François Patte francois.patte at
Mon May 29 10:34:23 UTC 2006

Kristoffer Gustafsson a écrit :
> Hello!
> I've got an installation problem with fedora core. I've searched the
> documentation but can't find a solution there.
> When installing my computer just reboots after the command prompt in
> the beginning of the installation.

I had this problem once and sent a post here. The answer was:

At command prompt type something like "abracadabra" then hit enter. The 
istall program complains and gives you once again the command prompt for 
install.... hit enter and you are done: the install begins.

I did not believe it! So I asked more and more without trying this. At 
the end, desperate, I try this foolish way and... it worked!!!

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université René Descartes

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