yum-updatesd not working?

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Nov 1 23:26:47 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 15:32 -0500, Phil wrote:
> I have FC6 installed and yum works fine at the command line... if I do
> a yum update I can see there are updates to be installed.
> No I have waited 2 days and still there is no popup indicating that
> there are updates needed. 
> The yum-updatesd service is running and there are no errors in the
> logs and yum update works fine at the command line...
> How can I make the pop up for software updates show up and indicate
> updates or indicate some error so I can fix this issue? 
so far I've noticed that it notified me of updates in GNOME but not KDE


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