nvidia drivers from freshrpms.net

Andre Costa andre.ocosta at terra.com.br
Sat Nov 4 15:11:31 UTC 2006

Hi Fernando,

On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 15:23:40 -0300
Fernando Lozano <fernando at lozano.eti.br> wrote:

> Hi there,
> If I switch to the livna.org nvida drivers, which packages do I have
> to install? just the xen ones for kmod-nvidia and xorg-x11-drv-nvidia?

No need to do that, Freshrpms should work just fine. Besides, mixing
Livna and Freshrpms might give you some other headaches.

I had some problems here as well, and they were due to the i586 x i686
kernel mess. Matthias Saou from Freshrpms showed me how to spot the

rpm -qa --qf '%{name}\t%{arch}\n' 'kernel*'

This will tell you which kernel you have installed. If yours is i586
and kernel-devel is i686, dkms won't be able to build kernel module for
NVidia driver.

If that's your case, there's a simple workaround using yumdownloader
(found on yum-utils), it's been posted here on this list.

As someone noticed, you'll also need dkms, but this should have been
installed already when you installed the driver package from Freshrpms.



Andre Oliveira da Costa

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