FC6 update

antonio montagnani antonio.montagnani at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 15:45:37 UTC 2006

I updated a server to FC6 (that started from RH8 through all steps of Fedora).

I lost many icons (also the main icons for Applications / Resources)
and I lost icons (not all) also in the menus (for example
Graphics...Internet and so on..)

Another clue: when I start a session I get a warning stating:

An error occurred during start-up of settings daemon of Gnome
Some aspects as themes, sound or desktop settings could not work properly
Settings daemon has been started too many times.
Last error message has been:

Impossible to activate 'OAFID:GNOME_SettingsDaemon'
Gnome will try to restart settings daemon at next login

and another warning: Icon start-here not found

I can't also start the Terminal window
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

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