Nvidia sucks, sucks, sucks !

Manuel Arostegui Ramirez manuel at todo-linux.com
Thu Nov 9 18:45:38 UTC 2006

El Jueves, 9 de Noviembre de 2006 19:16, Kim Lux escribió:
> On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 17:41 +0000, Scott van Looy wrote:
> > This usually won't be the case. There's always a slight overlap, as I
> > said, of usually one or two days, when the kernel module isn't
> > available
> > for that kernel, but fedorakmod makes sure that the RPMs stay in sync
> > and
> > it just works
> Only one or two days.  Is there some reason that the open source
> community couldn't get together on this and have the module ship at the
> same time as the kernel ?
> So I'd have to teach my mom to make sure to not boot the new kernel for
> a few days and, as a matter of fact, check that the new driver is
> installed before booting it.  In effect, teach her to rpm -q
> kmod-nvidia ?  Yeah, that seems user friendly.

Its dependes about what you expect your mum to do with Linux. 
If you expect her to be on lkml of course she has to learn a lot, but if she 
only wants to read her email and surf the web, she doesn't mind which the 
latest nvidia driver is, even the kernel! 

I do think that linux is ready for desktops, at least the majority of its. 
Here in Spain in several "states" all public computers (with public computers 
i mean, all goverment stuff, high schools, universitys including not only 
computers related ones) run Linux, Guadalinex,Linex, we have several 
distros... and there's no problem for lusers to work with it.
Probably the majority of them uses linux to run OpenOffice, MSN, email an Web, 
like your mum will does.

So please do not mix your frustation about the latest nvidia kernel with the 
linux user friendly issue nowdays.
Of course tombrsrt is not user friendly, but majority of distros really are, 
if you want, for sure.

Just my 2 cents.
Manuel Arostegui Ramirez.

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