Enough, already!

ethericalzen at gmail.com ethericalzen at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 17:17:24 UTC 2006

On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:52:03 -0500
Lyvim Xaphir <knightmerc at yahoo.com> took out a #2 pencil and

> this isnt communist China and we aren't the ChiComs.  This is
> the US and it's United States law.  The flaw is not with people
> owning their own intellectual property, it's with your
> socialist-communist mode of thinking.

There is _nothing_ wrong with socialist-communist thinking. And I
am a chinese communist. My feelings are hurt. =-P

Well okay, I am chinese..the rest is probably not true..I don't
think. *blinkles* ^_^

Alex White
ethericalzen at gmail.com
Life is a prison, death is a release

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