Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Sun Nov 12 12:54:40 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 23:31 -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 22:43, Craig White wrote:
> > ----
> > > > In this instance, it's evident that if I don't have to run any specific
> > > > Macintosh software on these systems, Fedora it is - even if I can't
> > > > locate PPC based versions of things like flash/etc.
> > > 
> > > As clients, you wouldn't have to worry about that since the
> > > apps run on the server.
> > ----
> > +1 for thin client
> > -1 for thin client because some applications run much better on client
> If you want to work at it, you can run local apps on thin clients
> although it is supposed to get easier in the next version.
> >  take a good look at the k12ltsp distro which is essentially
> > > fedora with the ability to boot thin clients included in the base
> > > install.
> > ----
> > I've been on the mail list for a few years but have never implemented it. We have it as an option but to implement, we will have to buy 1 big iron system for the server.
> I normally install their version as a matter of course instead of
> the corresponding fedora or centos base versions.  Even if you don't
> use the added ltsp/educational programs there are some advantages.
> Since they are released a bit later, they are remastered with
> current updates applied, some default settings are improved, and
> there are scripted installs for some things like acrobat, flash
> and webmin that save a little time.
flash is one of those things that runs better as a local app than off
the server as I understand it (LTSP).

I've got a fairly hefty post-install script that runs after kickstart
which basically...

grabs a tarball from one of my servers and copies files into place that:
- installs flash
- installs RPM-GPG keys from livna/dag/dries/matthias (just in case)
- various certificates for my network 
- replaces /etc/hosts, /etc/ldap.conf, /etc/nsswitch (ldap / padl)
- installs sshd authorized keys
- installs conf files for my local repos (so yum uses my 'yam' fc6 repo)
- installs non-fc rpms from 'local' repository (there aren't many)
- configures automatic 'mounts'
- installs yum-updatesd.conf

It's working really well. Once yum-updatesd works like it's supposed to,
it will be great.

The issue is that a thin station or a Celeron type 3.0 GHz box with a
60Gb HD and 512Mb are about the same price and if we simply consider the
Celeron box as disposable if we can't re-install everything, we don't
have to purchase the big iron fat server for the thin clients. But LTSP
is there if we decide to change course.


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