Clues to send mail on LAN through Postfix?

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wolfgang+gnus200611 at
Tue Nov 14 19:19:19 UTC 2006

Vinicius <cviniciusm at> writes:
>>> root... Connecting to [] via relay...
>>> 220 myhost ESMTP Postfix (2.3.3)
>>>  >>> EHLO myhost.mydomain
>>> 250-myhost

You weren't really expecting postfix to find a host called
myhost.mydomain in dns were you?

    $ host myhost.mydomain
    Host myhost.mydomain not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

In general you need to have a legit hostname set, or at least a
complete and consistent set of lies that get presented to postfix (eg,
via a doctored up /etc/hosts with a few phony entries for your forged

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht      

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