cloning hard disk for recovery

Mel mel at
Fri Nov 17 07:45:27 UTC 2006

Les Mikesell wrote:

> You shouldn't have any problem as long as you can still read
> the old disk and the new one is the same size.  Just don't
> try to boot with both drives still in place after the copy
> because you will have duplicate disk labels.  Those used
> to confuse the kernel when booting, but perhaps it has been
> fixed by now.

I inadvertently did this just a few days ago. It seemed to work OK. I 
replaced a hard disk with a different one that already had /, swap, and 
/home partitions on it. This didn't seem to cause any problem. I was not 
sure which / I was actually using though. I relabeled using ex2label and 
rebooted with no apparent problems.

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