NFS and name of machine

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Fri Nov 17 23:39:37 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 18:00 +0100, L A wrote:
> I have 2 machines under FC5. I'm trying to configure NFS (Network File
> System) between these 2 machines (client=pc006, server=pc005). 
> So, I have added this in /etc/fstab and in /etc/exports:
> /etc/fstab:
> #pc005:/home/rep-export         /home/rep-import    nfs    defaults    0 0
>    /home/rep-import    nfs    defaults    0 0
> /etc/exports:
> /home/rep-export    *(rw,no_root_squash)
> ==> When I use in the client the "IP address" of the server, it works
> very fine, but when I put the "name" of the server at the place of
> this IP address it generate this error:
>     mount -a
>     mount to NFS server "pc005" failled

You've mentioned adding to your hosts file, but have you tried adding
both machine names to your hosts files, on both PCs?

I've not tried using machine names with numbers in them.  I wonder if
there's an issue related to that?

(Currently testing FC5, but still running FC4, if that's important.)

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