Metrics and your privacy

Andy Green andy at
Wed Nov 22 16:10:09 UTC 2006

AragonX wrote:
> <quote who="Andy Green">
>> AragonX wrote:
>>> Why not ask at the end of the install of Fedora if it can 'phone home'
>>> to
>>> give statistical information?  I think if you put in a questionare that
>> If there is a gratuitous connection action for statistic-collecting
>> purposes, it would be best to ask.  But then you lose some information
>> from the people who for whatever reason said no.
> I did say ask.  You have to ask and there is no way at all to get a 100%
> count.  It is not possible.

Yes I was actually agreeing with you.

>>   1. Machines that never update at all even once
>> Making a new machine check for updates at least once as soon as it saw
>> the network was up would be a friendly and non-privacy threatening
>> action that would solve this...
> Ill conceived idea.  There are a good number of reasons why I don't want
> some of my machines to get updated.  It would be annoying to have to write
> some rules to block this traffic.  Forced updates...

Well, fine if it asks "There have probably been security and bugfix 
updates for some packages, can I run yum to get them from Fedora 
mirrors?", you will probably get a LOT of people (who if you ask them 
would tell you that touching that server over http will log their IP) 
saying 'yes'.


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