cpio: the folder is make not conform to umask setting

Dario Lesca d.lesca at solinos.it
Wed Nov 29 10:50:06 UTC 2006

Hi, the GNU cpio (http://www.gnu.org/software/cpio/) in some case (when
the folder's property is not contained into package) not set the
folder's access conforme to umask setting.

% find /tmp/some-folder -type f -depth |cpio -pvdmu /var/tmp

the some-folder and your subfolders copy into var/tmp have the access
set to "rwx------" (700), not in compliance with umask's setting (as an
example 0022).
The tar in these cases behaves itself correctly, creating the folders
(not contained in the package) compliance with umask's setting.

Is this a feature or a little bugs?

I have migrate some SCO unix to Linux and this "feature" is annoying.

I have watched into fc6's cpio-2.6-19.src.rpm and I have see witch some
patch has been added to the original version. But unfortunately I am not
a 'C' programmer and I not able to setup a specific patch witch set the
folder's access to umask's setting ...

What I can do?

Is possible add another patch for resolve this problem?

I must fill a bug into Bugzilla?

Pleas, give me some suggest ....

Many thanks to all, and sorry for my bad English

Dario Lesca <d.lesca at solinos.it>

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