What hostname do you use on your computer?

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Thu Nov 30 01:28:25 UTC 2006

Knute Johnson schrieb:

> So now sendmail hangs on startup for about 2 minutes.  There must be 
> something else to set?
> Thanks,
> knute...
> [knute at knute ~]$ hostname
> knute
> [knute at knute ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
> ::1     localhost.localdomain   localhost
>     knute
> [knute at knute ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network
> HOSTNAME=knute
> [knute at knute ~]$

Sendmail requires a dotted hostname, thus means hostname to be not just 
a short one but a FQDN.

If you have no public resolving DNS name for your mail host, then you 
may set your hostname to


and having following line in /etc/hosts   knute.example.net  knute

If you relay through a different MTA, i.e. your ISP's one, make sure the 
envelope sender and header from: are set properly, if the relay host 
does not masquerade it for you.


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