
Rodolfo Alcazar rodolfo.alcazar at
Mon Oct 2 18:55:37 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 14:16 -0400, Magnus Andersen wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone have any experience with win4lin?  I'm thinking about
> running FC 6 on my new laptop with win4lin for the applications I need
> to have in a Windows environment.  I've use VMWare Workstation/Server
> before, but I like that win4lin stores my documents/scripts in the
> Linux environment and not on a virtual workstation.

In VMWare, you can install VMWare-tools (I remember it was a menu entry
on the bar). then, on vmware, share some directories.

VMWare-tools allow you to open from your explorer windows this entry:


so, you can access your shared directories.

Rodolfo Alcazar
Administrador datos y red

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH

Programa de Apoyo a la Gestión Pública Descentralizada y 
Lucha Contra La Pobreza - PADEP

Av. Sánchez Lima 2226
T +591 22417628 (121)
C +591 70656800
E rodolfo.alcazar at

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