convert flash video flv file to other formats

oleksandr korneta atenrok at
Tue Oct 10 03:44:02 UTC 2006

on 09/29/2006 09:16 AM Yuandan Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> any knows linux tools to convert flv file to avi or mpg3?

here is the script I found somewhere on the web (and tweaked a bit) 
which downloads the
video from and converts it to .mpg

mkdir -p ~/_download/youTube;
cd ~/_download/youTube;
read -p "YouTube url? " ur;
read -p "Name? " nv
wget ${ur} -O /tmp/y1;uf=${bu}`grep player2.swf /tmp/y1 | cut -d? -f2 |
cut -d\" -f1`;
wget "${uf}" -O /tmp/y.flv
ffmpeg -i /tmp/y.flv -r 24 -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 ${nv}.mpg;
rm /tmp/y.flv;
rm /tmp/y1;

as you can see it uses ffmpeg for .flv-->.mpg conversion.

hope it helps
Oleksandr Korneta

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