Firefox 2 "Send Link..." Doesn't

Richard England rengland at
Tue Oct 24 16:55:50 UTC 2006

Khoa Ton wrote:
> Claude Jones wrote:
>> On Mon October 23 2006 10:56 pm, Khoa Ton wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if this is an FC5 or Firefox issue, but I've
>>> set my email application in Gnome via:
>>> "System"->"Preferences"->"More Preferences"->"Preferred
>>> Applications" to Thunderbird.
>>> However, using "File"->"Send Link..." in Firefox 2.0, nothing
>>> comes up.
>>> Can anyone give me a pointer as to where to find any error
>>> messages to debug this problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Khoa Ton
>> Try running gnome-default-applications-properties
>> from the command line
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Running                           $ 
> gnome-default-applications-properties
> from the command line gave me exactly the same thing as
> "System"->"Preferences"->"More Preferences"->"Preferred Applications"
> and the exact same result: nothing comes up when "File"->"Send Link..."
> is selected from Firefox 2.
> Khoa
 From the command line, try the command
    which firefox

If firefox was installed in a location that is not in the PATH variable 
then it will not be "found" even if it is specified as the preferred 

You could also specify the full path name to the locations at which you 
have installed firefox.  Run "gnome-default-applications-properties"  
and give it the full path name  instead of  just the invocation name.  
I.e.  /myprograms/firefox

BTW,  on my FC5 system, firefox shows up at /usr/bin/firefox  and was  
installed via yum update.

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