FC5 -> FC6 my experience

Gilboa Davara gilboad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 11:09:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 20:57 +1000, Russell Strong wrote:  
> Well at least you've had a good experience.  I too am finding it 
> frustrating.  I've put in quite a bit of my spare time into testing, and 
> out of 12 bug reports submitted, 7 are still at the new state.  I get 
> the feeling people are too busy to deal with the volume of bug reports.  
> Or perhaps my bug reports are too vague due to a lack of knowledge in a 
> particular area.  Or perhaps bugzilla is the wrong place to put 
> reports.  What ever the reason, I feel like screaming, but think no one 
> will hear.  I hope one day to try out FC6 but at the moment I can't get 
> past the installer.  Take a look at 
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=207270
> I would have thought this kind of bug would have been a show stopper.  
> Anyway, it certainly is a show stopper now.  I'll have to wait for a 
> respin and hope someone with the right knowledge get's enough time to 
> take a look at this bug.
> Russell

Don't get me wrong, I've got bugzilla folder in my evolution that now
houses ~100 active bugs in Fedora, X.org, kernel, GNOME and KDE.
Unlike the OP, I consider the myself as a part of the OSS movement (both
as a user and as a developer) and not a commanding customer that the OSS
movement is here to serve.

- Gilboa

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