VMware server cannot run on FC6

Paul Smith phhs80 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 21:43:12 UTC 2006

On 10/26/06, Christopher A. Williams <chrisw01 at comcast.net> wrote:
> > > The problem is now isolated: the kernel was not installed by 'rpm -i
> > > kernel*'. Now, how can I install it from outside? Through the rescue
> > > mode?
> >
> > Hum, that's a pretty tricky situation!
> >
> > I think what I would try first, if I had the right kernel RPMs kicking
> > around, would be to use rpm's --root.  So from your FC4 system
> >
> > rpm -i --root /mnt/fc6 /path/to/kernel*.rpm
> >
> > In theory this should do the deed as if /mnt/fc6 was at /, at least, it
> > should use the rpm database in /mnt/fc6/var/lib/rpm and does a chroot
> > before running any scriptlets.
> >
> > Anyway I would try it first, not least to find out if it really can do
> > the deed.
> I had the same issue trying to get VMware Workstation 5.5.2 installed.
> The Anaconda kernel bug got me hosed up pretty well for a sec. Here's
> what I did to fix this (I can't guarantee the safety of method - try at
> your own risk):
> 1) Downloaded the i686 RPM versions of kernel and kernel-devel from one
> of the mirror sites
> 2) Performed a *force* upgrade of the kernel:
> rpm -Uvh --force kernel-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6.i686.rpm
> 3) Deleted the existing kernel-devel (to get rid of the i586 stuff):
> rpm -e kernel-devel
> (also make sure that the i586 version of the development stuff located
> under /usr/src/kernels is gone)
> 4) Installed the i686 version of kernel-devel:
> rpm -ivh kernel-devel-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6.i686.rpm
> 5) Rebooted the system with the new kernel - the force upgrade removes
> the i586 kernel and installes the i686 kernel. It also should update
> grub.conf for you.
> Once all of this was done, I was able to successfully install and
> configure VMware Workstation 5.5.2 (build 29772) without needing any
> patches. I would expect the same will be true for VMware Server.

Thanks, Chris. There is a perhaps safer workaround, although I am sure
whether it is the most efficient one:

1. keep the same kernel;

2. download the i586 kernel-devel;

3. install it;

4. run vmware-config.pl .

And that is all.


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