Mozilla text artifacts with nVidia Geforce 6200TC and xorg 'nv' driver

Mostafa Afgani m.afgani.fedora at
Tue Sep 5 13:13:08 UTC 2006

Dear all,

Is there anyone else noticing some redraw/refresh problems with
mozilla firefox/thunderbird and the XOrg 'nv' driver? Basically, the
cursor leaves a trail wherever is passes through. It is not possible
to include a screenshot since the trails disappear the moment I hit
'PintScr'. Here's a photo using a camera:

These trails do not appear anywhere else(gedit, gnome-terminal, kate).
They are also absent from the mozilla products if 'vesa' is used
instead. I have tried disabling Pango but that did not help.

I suppose a bug report against xorg-x11-drv-nv is in order?


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