Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Thu Sep 14 13:12:51 UTC 2006

>> With a keyboard...  Perhaps you should say which character you're trying
>> to type.  e.g. In many consoles you can type CTRL G to get the ASCII
>> character (decimal character number 7) that usually pings the bell.

Kaushal Shriyan:
> I didnot understand your mail and I could not do it also, For example
> for character A

CTRL G means to hold down the CTRL (control) key and press the g key,
just like you'd hold down shift and g to type G.

Character A is character sixty-five in ASCII.  To "type" it you'd
normally just press the A character on the keyboard.  To get some
program to output it, you've got various ways you can achieve it:

      * Output the character A.
      * Output the decimal number 65, representing A.
      * Output the hexadecimal number 41, representing A.
      * Output the octal number 100, representing A.

Normally, on Fedora Core you're producing UTF-8 text from a console, but
it's identical to ASCII for the first 128 characters.  So, this text, as
I've typed it in the message can be represented by ASCII, ISO-8859-1,
and UTF-8 encoded unicode.  They're all interchangeable, at this point.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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I read messages from the public lists.

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