Webmin in extras

Claude Jones claude_jones at levitjames.com
Sat Sep 16 03:34:39 UTC 2006

On Friday September 15 2006 9:14 am, Rex Dieter wrote:
> In short (as of now), no one has submitted a *workable/maintainable* webmin
> to Extras (yet).

Correct me if I'm wrong. I run Webmin on all my Linux machines, including all 
the Fedora boxes. I just install the noarch version from their website. But, 
there's webmin, and then, there's all the modules. To maintain a version for 
Fedora Extras, it would require not only keeping up with the main program, 
but keeping all the modules current with current versions of the things those 
modules are meant to control - not an insignificant undertaking. I remember 
there was an issue once with incompatibility between the Apache module and 
the version of Apache being delivered with Fedora, that caused some problems. 
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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