adding text to JPEGs, in bulk

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Sep 17 09:13:59 UTC 2006


Thanks to all who pointed out ways to do this, this is what I'm
trialling at the moment, as a combination of a few of the hints:

for file in *
  number=$(echo $file | cut -b6-8)
  echo doing photo $number
  convert -fill red -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize 330 -draw "text 300,1000 photo-$number" $file ../proofs/$file

That makes modified versions in a different directory, and works rather
nicely.  Now I just wish I had faster PC, they're big files to play
with.  ;-)  

I'll probably have to go back and modify the text placement for a few of
them, if it's appeared smack across someone's face, but it takes care of
the bulk of the photos without lots of work.

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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