Experimental 2.6.18rc FC5 kernels.

Andrea Mastellone andrea.mastellone at fastwebnet.it
Tue Sep 19 07:28:07 UTC 2006

Dave Jones wrote:
> To get some extra testing for the upcoming 2.6.18 release,
> I've made some kernels based on 2.6.18rc7git2
> You can find them at http://people.redhat.com/davej/kernels/Fedora/FC5/
> Please file bugs in bugzilla against FC5, even though these
> kernels are somewhat similar to whats in rawhide right now.
> Known 'problems':
> - For the time being, there aren't any Xen kernels, this will
>   be fixed up when time comes for a real update.
> - They currently have a bunch of extra debugging options turned
>   on so may 'feel' a little slower than the current FC5 kernels.
>   This too, will be fixed.
> - They'll output a lot more text to the console during boot
>   than FC5. Like rawhide, the 'quiet' option has been disabled
>   in order to ease debugging. (It's a lot easier to ask someone
>   what the last thing on the screen is than to walk people through
>   removing the quiet option a hundred times)
> These caveats aside, it seems to have survived my tests for the last
> day, so it's time for some wider testing.
> Thanks,
> 	Dave

I have just tryed it, but when udev starts, after a nice kernel boot and
going to init 5, it goes in segmentation fault, so no device can be
managed: i.e. the X server does not start since there is no access to
video card, the mouse and usb devices are not active, and so on ... :(

I have a FC5, updated.


"Homo sum, nihil humani alienum a me puto." (Terenzio).
"Il vero io è quello che tu sei, non quello che hanno fatto di te." (P.

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