command or script for converting hex values to text

Khoa Ton khoa at
Fri Sep 22 08:55:26 UTC 2006

ankush grover wrote:
> hey,
> Thanks for the reply. With the text means if a file contains some hex
> characters like this then through the command line or script I should
> be able to convert the hex values to text.
> Important is accepting the file as input and converting all the values
> in it to text values
> 41 65 72 74 3A 20 49 6E 74 65 72 66 61 63 65
> the output of the above should be "APRIL FOOL".
> Please let me know if you need any further input.


Unless I'm mistaken, you want to convert a string of hex
values represented in ASCII into its corresponding ASCII

This should do just that:
$ echo "41 50 52 49 4C 20 46 4f 4f 4c 0a"| xxd -r -p

However, this does NOT result in the text "APRIL FOOL"
on your specified input string of:
"41 65 72 74 3A 20 49 6E 74 65 72 66 61 63 65"

In order to convert your string, we'll need to figure out its
encoding format.

Best regards,
Khoa Ton

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