FC6 (&7) netboot

Stefan van der Eijk stefan at eijk.nu
Mon Apr 30 12:38:49 UTC 2007


I'm trying to get FC6 working on a diskless system. I hope this is the
correct list to discuss this topic, if not please ignore this message.

As I mentioned, I'm trying to get FC6 to work in a diskless system. To
do this I first installed FC6 in a VMware (with disk). I'm using that
as the "example" system.

I'm following the instructions provided in the documentation of the
system-config-netboot-0.1.41-1.FC6 package. After rsyncing over the
files to the NFS server, setting up DHCP and TFTP servers it's time
for the first attempt. The diskless client is a vmware, confgured to
boot over the network (PXE).

With the first attempt, the system stops with the following error:
"Mounting rot filesystem: /nfsroots/fc6-diskless/root from
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on,
missing codepage r other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or

For screenshot see: http://eijk.homelinux.org/~stefan/fc-diskless/1.jpg

As mentioned in
/sbin/mount.nfs is missing in the initrd.img. This patch adds it
(although I'm not sure if mount.nfs4 should be added too):

# diff -ur /usr/share/system-config-netboot/diskless/updateDiskless.orig
--- /usr/share/system-config-netboot/diskless/updateDiskless.orig
 2007-04-29 23:18:24.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/share/system-config-netboot/diskless/updateDiskless
2007-04-29 23:18:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 #/bin/cp "$ROOT"/usr/share/hwdata/pcitable $MNTPOINT/usr/share/hwdata/ || die;
 # disklessrc now uses modules.pcimap, not pcitable
-BINS="/sbin/busybox.anaconda /sbin/insmod /sbin/modprobe /sbin/rmmod
/sbin/dhclient /bin/bash /bin/mount /sbin/route /sbin/ip /usr/bin/expr
/sbin/lspci /sbin/ifconfig /sbin/consoletype /sbin/pivot_root
/bin/hostname /bin/domainname /usr/bin/host"
+BINS="/sbin/busybox.anaconda /sbin/insmod /sbin/modprobe /sbin/rmmod
/sbin/dhclient /bin/bash /bin/mount /sbin/mount.nfs /sbin/mount.nfs4
/sbin/route /sbin/ip /usr/bin/expr /sbin/lspci /sbin/ifconfig
/sbin/consoletype /sbin/pivot_root /bin/hostname /bin/domainname
 # Set up links to all the busybox functions -
 # may be different for different versions of busybox!
 if [ ! -e $ROOT/sbin/busybox.anaconda ]; then

2nd attempt ended with it complaining that it couldn't pivot_root.
Seems that /.oldroot directory isn't created. For screenshot see:

After making that directory it also complains that /.snapshot isn't
made either. Starting udev takes ages,

I didn't wait for it to finish, just made the directory on the NFS
server and reset the vmware.


After re-reading the .html pages in
/usr/share/doc/system-config-netboot-0.1.41/ I followed the
instructions to create a client. Changed the pxe config to reflect

label fc6
        KERNEL vmlinuz
        APPEND initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 init=disklessrc
NFSROOT= ramdisk_size=19102
ETHERNET=eth0 SNAPSHOT=fc6-diskless

resulting in this: http://eijk.homelinux.org/~stefan/fc-diskless/5.jpg

added "ramdisk_blocksize=1024", from

The end result is a FC6 diskless client that hangs on starting udev.

I'm wondering what I've missed in the documentation and what I'm doing
wrong. I feel that I'm already correcting too many things myself -->
this stuff should be made in a way that it just works and is trivial
to set up. As the package version/release is still the same in
rawhide, I guess this same package is going to be shipped with FC7.

What would be the best way to move forward? Shall I start with filing
some bugreports? Or is this not the right time to do so (freeze for

with kind regards,

Stefan van der Eijk

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