Fedora 7 : Fresh Install, defaulted to Runlevel 3

Andrew Parker andrewparker at bigfoot.com
Sat Aug 4 15:41:40 UTC 2007

On 8/4/07, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa at gmail.com> wrote:
> I installed F7 graphically via NFS, and on first bootup of F7 got
> defaulted to runlevel 3.
> When I changed this to runlevel 5, I got no firstboot. Had to edit
> /ets/sysconfig/firstboot to get it.
> The only thing I can think of is that I chose KDE instead of Gnome.

I've done a lot of NFS/HTTP installs for F7, and they have all
defaulted to run level 3.  Some of the test versions did the same
thing too.

I don't install KDE until later, so it isn't that that is causing it.

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