USA export restrictions and GPL - how can they co-exist?

John Wendel john.wendel at
Fri Aug 10 21:54:18 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Steve Searle wrote:
>>> Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong about this.
>> I think you are wrong about this, however IANAL.
>> Translating it into a plain english exsample, I get:
>>     If the disto is restricted in Cuba, by patents or copyrighted
>>     interfaces the original copyright holder can amend the License
>>     to limit the distribution so that it is not permitted in Cuba.
>> However in this case the limitation seems to be because the US is
>> restricting it, not the "receiving" country.
> So does that mean you can't distribute under the GPL at all, since these 
> additional restrictions can't be added?

What exactly does "distribution" mean? If I have a copy of Fedora on 
an internet accessible box, and a citizen of Cuba downloads it, do I 
get sent to Gitmo?



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