processes memory consumption

Phil Meyer pmeyer at
Tue Aug 14 04:50:01 UTC 2007

Manal Helal wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to get the memory consumption of several processes created
> by mpirun. The time command reports the overall time consumption, and
> using the %M it returns always zeros for memory, only time values are
> reasonable, same to getrusage function, I always get zeros in all
> fields, and the time fields as well using the RUSAGE_SELF parameter,
> I tried the graphical process manager like KSysGuard, the problem is
> catching the memory values for process that end too fast, or for
> waiting for long processes, same about top command, they need
> continuous and fast accurate monitoring, won't work by the eye,
> Can I have some suggestions for commands or utilities that I can use
> to monitor the processes maximum memory (Physical and Virtual)
> consumption after it finishes,
> I appreciate your help a lot,
> Kind Regards,
> Manal


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