Alternative booting

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Sat Aug 18 21:26:43 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>> Also, I do not have plain simple IDE drives, but a RAID array on the
>>>> nVidia SATA controller that I want to use to boot from. In that
>>>> case, when I specify a hdx device it will write the boot loader to
>>>> only one of the drives of the mirror array, which doesn't do any good.
>>> If bios sees the drives as separate things, then that's how you have
>>> to install grub, since it has to call bios to load the kernel.  On a
>>> real hardware raid, bios will only see the array.
>>    Les you have bios on the brain. My 1994 bios works fine with 2007
>> hard drives. You are trying to protect the grub people I think. It
>> isn't grub but it could be a kernel problem. I might boot to my old
>> kernel and see....
> Until the kernel and initrd are loaded, bios is the only way you can
> access the drive all grub does is make bios calls to get sectors. You
> can't have a kernel problem until the kernel is loaded, at which point
> the error will be something about not being able to mount the root
> partition.  Grub is a bit strange in that it doesn't use the linux names
> for the devices and partitions and you might be confused by the
> symlinked location of grub.conf if you have a separate /boot partition,
> but otherwise it pretty much does what it is told to do.
I guess Karl never heard of the 1024 cylinder limit, the drive size
limits that affect BIOS, or the int13 extension to let you access
larger drives. The funny part is that it while the 1024 limit is
usually talked about connected with Linux, probably because we
update kernels more often then Windows, it can affect Windows when
trying to load some drivers, or booting in the safe mode.

Because Karl does not believe in a seperate /boot partition, he was
probably bitten by this when upgrading a kernel...


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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