KVM Realtime Clock Very Slow

Jesus Jr M Salvo jesus.m.salvo at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 07:28:54 UTC 2007

On 19/08/07, Chris Tyler <chris at tylers.info> wrote:
> I have a KVM-based virtual machine that's been running fine for months,
> but in the past week or two the realtime clock has suddenly gotten very
> slow, loosing about 6 hours per day (even ntpd can't get it back on
> track). I don't know of any configuration changes that have taken place
> other than than normal updates of guest and host via yum. The guest is
> FC6, the host is F7 on x86_64.
> Anyone else seen this? (I've got rdate fixing up the time every 60
> minutes until I figure this out!...)
> --
> Chris Tyler
> http://dailypackage.fedorabook.com/

Do you run the guest OS as root or non-root ?

I have this problem too. However, I run the guest as a non-root user,
where I get the following warning:

$ qemu -hda kvm-disks/win2000.img -m 384 -no-acpi -win2k-hack -cdrom
/dev/cdrom  -boot c -usb

Could not configure '/dev/rtc' to have a 1024 Hz timer. This is not a fatal
error, but for better emulation accuracy either use a 2.6 host Linux kernel or
type 'echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq' as root.

If, however, I run qemu as root, .... or specified 1024 for
/proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq as root and still run qemu as
non-root, then the host OS crashes when running qemu ( Haven't tried
with the latest host kernel though ).

So I am left with running qemu as non-root.

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