SELinux enforcing, an external ntfs-3g mount, Samba and Fedora 8

Craig White craigwhite at
Tue Dec 11 14:55:22 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 11:00 +0100, craigni wrote:
> Thanks super, Craig--that was a missing link.  Not only can my Windows XP boxes see the Fedora system, they can access my home directory.  However, the final piece of the puzzle is driving me nuts.  They *cannot* access the ntfs-3g drive.  The drive shows, but when I click on it, I get an SELinux AVC Denial, which says SELinux is preventing the samba daemon from serving r/o local files to remote clients, and tells me that I need to turn on the samba_export_all_ro boolean, which I did without success.
> I even tried to change the permissions on the ntfs-3g drive to match those of my home directory, eg
> cd /mnt
> sudo chown -R username extdrive
> sudo chgrp -R usergroup extdrive
> But weirdness of weirdness, when I ls that drive, all the files are still owned by root root.
> Any help in any direction would be massively appreciated,
> Thanks,
It would appear that mounting ntfs-3g systems is like mounting vfat
where the user/group that mounts the files is the owner/group of those
files and no amount of chown/chmod will change that.

Mount the disk with uid/gid that you want.


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