Fedora Documentation Group

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Dec 20 02:12:20 UTC 2007

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     I have been trying to join this group. I have run into problems at
>> gpg.MIT and the hoops I need to jump through to be able to write a
>> single word! This has gone on for a week and I have dropped out. But I
>> showed them my problems, and they said they have not had a new member
>> for a year. I know why :-)
>>     In my opinion the documentation for Fedora is very poor to bad.
> I'm just trying to emulate Karl, in joining the Project.
> There do seem to be some unnecessary hurdles to surmount
> before one is accepted into the inner circle.
> I managed to send my key to mit as requested,
> although I agree that the method prescribed for this in the wiki
> <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/UsingGpg/>
> does not actually work.
> I used kgpg rather than "pure" gpg,
> and this allowed me to register the server <hkp://pgp.mit.edu:11371>
> before sending the key.
> I'm not sure if giving the port helped the key on its way.
> I think the Fedora documentation that actually exists
> is usually pretty good.
> The trouble is, there is very little of it.
> My initial impression is that there is an excessive formalism in place,
> whereby the content of a document takes second place
> to its agreement with the style and format prescribed by the project.
> Many of the best Linux documents I have seen
> have been email messages full of typos.
> On the whole, worrying too much about the style of a document
> is a bit like judging a presidential candidate on his sexual morality.
    Hi and for the other fellow this is from a message on the Doc list:

I have to agree, fedora docs project is by far the hardest project I've 
ever tried to join. Previous development projects all I had to do is 
send an email and hey presto SVN write access. This whole process is so 
long and drawn out it is probably marginalising a whole swathe of 
potential contributers.

I think I fall into that swathe.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
   PGP 7025 BB6C 7CC3 CFE7 43B2  1574 3279 EBB0 B626 2B7E

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