Installing from the 3 DVD fedora 8 "Everything" re-spin

Dean S. Messing deanm at
Fri Dec 28 00:10:45 UTC 2007

I just completed the download of the jigdo "Everything" DVD respin for x86_64.

FYI, I used the CLI command


I didn't have the original F8 so I let it download everything (no pun
intended).  It took about 12 hours running three parallel jigdo's, one
for each of the 3 DVDs in the respin.

Now I have 3 DVD iso images, and I'm wondering how the installer is
going to treat them.  I've never installed from 3 DVDs, just 1.  I
mount it on a separate NFS-enabled machine, and point Anaconda to the
DVD iso image.  Will this work with three DVD's?  I don't recall if
one can even tell the installer about more than 1.

I'm not quite ready to do the install but am just getting my ducks in
a row for when I am.



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