Where do you put all your HTML stuff on a home Linux server?

Chris Snook csnook at redhat.com
Fri Dec 28 17:16:16 UTC 2007

Chris G wrote:
> 2 - In apache's DocumentRoot (/var/www/html in my case)
>     Messier with permissions if you want to edit HTML without becoming
>     root all the time.  Also not so convenient for editing even with  
>     permissions set up OK as it's not in your home directory.

For home use, I find 'chown -R luser:luser /var/www/html' to be a suitable 
solution.  You can also 'ln -s /var/www/html ~/public_html' and then any scripts 
or html editing apps that look in your home directory will be happy, but you 
don't need to worry about enabling home directory support in httpd and SELinux.

	-- Chris

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