Talking to Logitech on the phone regarding webcam support for linux

Dave Ihnat dihnat at
Thu Feb 8 01:20:30 UTC 2007

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 02:12:22AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> That's a great arguement. Let me sum it up, to be certain that I
> understood correctly:
> <<SNIP>>

Eh, it's more along the lines of "they've designed equipment without proper
safeguards or governors; if operated by unauthorized personnel, they could
be open to liability for not having built such safety devices in the first

Mind you, I would think someone that writes code that puts the devices
into non-compliant states would be at fault, not the manufacturer,
but what do I know?  I are an engineering-type, not a lawer-type.
	Dave Ihnat
	President, DMINET Consulting, Inc.
	dihnat at

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