KDE menu - where is it kept?

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Wed Feb 14 16:19:21 UTC 2007

On 2/14/07, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I've seen this question asked many times,
> but never seen a simple answer:
> Where exactly is the list of items in the main F/Start menu kept?


If you have for some reason change your kmenu list, you can reset it by

 rm ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu

> I added Kontact to the menu by right-clicking on the F icon,
> and going into Menu Editor,
> but I would have thought there was already an entry for Kontact
> somewhere on the system?

Yes, there is a default entry of kontact which fedora ships :)
As Rex said it's in the office category.

chitlesh(~)[0]$cat /usr/share/applications/kde/Kontact.desktop | grep Categories

> I suppose another way to ask my question is:
> What decides which items are on the menu?

what decides: the desktop files in /usr/share/applications/

ls /usr/share/applications/

It's the Category field in the desktop file: Kontact.desktop defines
where it will be located in the kmenu.


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