ESR: Goodbye Fedora

David Fletcher fc at
Fri Feb 23 09:56:10 UTC 2007

At 01:01 23/02/2007, you wrote:

>Tim wrote:
>>>If everyone has that attidude, things are likely to stay that way. I'd much
>>>rather see people pushing Ogg and including links to download players and
>>>plugins similar to the ones for Adobe's products, than try to get (nonfree)
>>>licensed copies into all of the base distributions.
>>I'd like that, too.  But it's hamstrung by a few factors:
>>People with personal/portable playback hardware, that they want to keep,
>>that won't play ogg.  So they'll get all their music in one format that
>>works on everything that they have.
>>Publishers not wanting to supply files without DRM.  And, no, I don't
>>want ogg to support that crap.
>If Lucent goes crazy suing all the people who though they had 
>licensed MP3 technology, ogg might catch on real fast.
>   Les Mikesell
>    lesmikesell at
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I think another problem we have is that MP3 has become one of those 
"generic" or whatever the name is, abused terms. It's like a vacuum 
cleaner being called a Hoover when it's actually a Dyson, or a four 
wheel drive vehicle being referred to as a Jeep when clearly it's a Land Rover.

It's the same problem with audio compression. I bought my wife a 
flash music player for Christmas, and I've still not managed to train 
her to say "Ogg Vorbis" instead of MP3. Even though it's never had an 
MP3 file loaded onto it.

BTW there is package available that makes Ogg files play on Windows 
Media Player:-

which I suppose is a bit like encouraging folks to install the XP 
version of Open Office to hopefully get them to make the jump over to 
Linux sometime.

Dave F

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