ESR: Goodbye Fedora

James Wilkinson fedora at
Sat Feb 24 08:40:53 UTC 2007

Don Levey wrote:
> What if... there were a way of going through the RPM database, creating
> a list, and presenting that to some sort of kickstart routine?

I actually did something similar last time I upgraded.

Before I upgraded, I ran
rpm -qa --qf "%{name}.%{arch}\n" > packages

for i in `cat packages` ; do rpm -q $i ; done | grep "is not installed"\
 | cut -d\  -f2
presented me with a list of packages that were not installed that I
could have fed to yum.

I've never used kickstart (I've never had enough computers to upgrade at
once to make it worthwhile), but I understand that I could have just
given kickstart a list of those packages, now that you can enable other
repos at install time.

(Of course, this wouldn't help with renamed packages, but the --qf
option meant that "packages" didn't contain any version numbers, so the
script didn't try to install old versions of existing packages.)

Hope this helps,

E-mail:     james@ | If infinite rednecks fired infinite shotguns at an | infinite number of road signs, they'd eventually
                   | create all the great literary works of the world.
                   | In braille.

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