C++ XML Parser

Craig White craig at tobyhouse.com
Wed Jan 3 21:33:01 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 20:11 +0000, Chris Jones wrote:
> > Yikes! This is a very bad suggestion. The idea behind standards like XML is
> > to have standard tools to work with them, thus eliminating repeating the
> > same mistakes in every implementation. You don't go writing a new regular
> > expression parser every time you need regexes do you? To answer the
> > original email, there are a few XML parsers in common use out there. The
> > main ones for UNIX are probably libxml and expat.
> >
> > http://xmlsoft.org/ (and the C++ bindings
> > http://libxmlplusplus.sourceforge.net/ ) and http://expat.sourceforge.net/
> I second that. Writting your own does not strike me as a good idea, as there 
> are many out there. Why waste effort re-inventing the wheel.
> Just to add another, I work on a project that uses Xerces. I don't work much 
> myself on the part that interacts with this directly, so I cannot say if I 
> recommend it or not, but it seems to work just fine in our case, which is 
> parsing *lots* of XML for data.
> http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/
I don't know about xerces-c but I do know (I'm just starting to play
with XML)...

rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib/gcj/xerces-j2/xerces-j2-2.7.1.jar.so


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